Menikmati Suguhan Suasana Asri di Terminal Wisata Grafika Cikole - Info Wisata Terbaru

03:04 Add Comment - Wisata Alam. Terminal Wisata Grafika Cikole yang terletak di Lembang, Bandung, Jawa Barat. 

Tempat wisata yang cukup populer yang satu ini memang tidak akan mengecewakan kepada para pengunjungnya, karena banyaknya fasilitas yang dapat dinikmati tanpa harus membayar alias free (biaya masuk area wisata) !!.

Wisata Alam Grafika Cikole
Wisata Alama, Termminal Grafika Cikole, Lembang, Bandung, Jawa Barat

Terminal Wisata Grafika Cikole, merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang ada di kota Bandung dengan mengguanakan konsep Alam yang asri. Selama Anda berwisata di Grafika Cikole, Anda akan disuguhkan dengan banyaknya pohon pinus, heningnya suasana alam, asrinya pemandangan disekitar Grafika Cikole, fasilitas yang unik dan menarik, ditambah lagi dengan hadirnya restoran dan berbagai pilihan penginapan yang ada di Grafika Cikole, Lembang, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

Terminal Wisata Grafika Cikole, mempunyai ketinggian sekitar 1400 meter di atas permukaan laut, mempunyai luas sekitar 9 hektar, dan suhu udara mencapai 16 derajat celcius, hal ini lah yang membuat para anggota keluarga untuk memilih Grafika Cikole sebagai tempat wisata berkemah dan menghabiskan waktu berlibur.

Ragam Aktivitas Selama Berlibur

Outbond, Painball, Grafika Cikole, Lembang, Bandung, Jawa Barat

Terminal Wisata Grafika Cikole, memberikan beberapa arena, wahana untuk melengkapi aktivitas Anda bersama keluarga selama berada di area wisata. Aktivitas yang cukup digemari oleh para wisatawan diantaranya Outbond (Flying Fox), memetik strawberry, paintball, dan memberi makan rusa. Untuk dapat menikmati aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut Anda tidak akan terlalu menghabiskan begitu banyak uang, karena harganya yang masih terbilang wajar dan cukup terjangkau.

Berphoto Ria Bersama Kelurga

Terminal Wisata Grafika Cikole, menyediakan spot-spot yang cukup indah dan berkualitas bagi Anda yang ingin menghabiskan waktu berlibur untuk berphoto ria bersama keluarga. Dengan berphoto ria yang dilengkapi oleh asrinya pemandangan dan tersedianya gunung-gunung, menambah keindahan dari photo yang Anda dapatkan. Tidak perlu banyak mengeluarkan dana untuk dapat menikmati sesi photo sesuka Anda ini, cukup dengan persiapan kamera dan keseruan yang Anda rasakan.

Penginapan Hobbit ala Grafika Cikole

Penginapan Hobbit Grafika Cikole
Hobbit, Penginapan Grafika Cikole, Lembang, Bandung, Jawa Barat

Grafika Cikole menyediakan tempat penginapan bagi Anda yang ingin lebih lama lagi menikmati liburan bersama keluarga di Lembang, Bandung, Jawa Barat. Penginapan yang ada di Grafika Cikole terbilang cukup populer dan unik, karena penginapan ini dinamakan dengan penginapan Hobbit. Kata Hobbit yang digunakan untuk nama penginapan ini memang mirip dengan salah satu rumah di film The Hobbit & The Lord of The Ring. Penginapan Hobbit ini akan menambah kenyamanan Anda saat beristirahat dan melepas lelah, karena bangunannya yang terbuat dari interior dan eksterior kayu. Penginapan Hobbit ini dapat menampung sekitar 6 orang, dilengkapi dengan fasilitas air panas, barbeque, dan sarapan pagi. Dana yang harus Anda keluarkan untuk dapat menikmati istirahat di penginapan Hobbit sebesar Rp. 920.000,- per malam.

Kemah Bersama Keluarga

Berkemah di Grafika Cikole
Berkemah di Grafika Cikole, Lembang, Bandung, Jawa Barat

Namun, bagi Anda yang lebih menyukai suasana outdor disaranakn untuk memilih penginapan ala berkemah. Selain dari harganya yang cukup terbilang murah, hanya Rp. 440.000,- per malam, Anda juga akan merasa tetap hangat dan nyaman selama beristirahat karena kemah tersebut sudah disetting supaya tahan air dan embun. Selain itu, Anda juga tetap dapat menikmati hidangan sarapan di pagi harinya dan dilengkapi dengan sajian barbeque.

Selama berwisata di Terminal Wisata Grafika Cikole, Anda akan merasa sedang liburan bersama keluarga bukan di Indonesia. Sudah berencana untuk liburan ke Grafika Cikole, Lembang, Bandung, Jawa Barat ? Siapkan peralatan dan perlengkpan secukupnya dan selamat berlibur.

10 Best Travel Inspiration at Bandung, West Java -

08:03 Add Comment

10 Best Travel Inspiration at Bandung, West Java -  

Since the first, already known as Bandung city has attractions that became the target of many tourists. It is surrounded by mountains and with cool, make it have a lot of the tourist area of chic and charming.

Not only the natural attractions, the region of Bandung and its surroundings also has cultural attractions as well as carry a variety of unique tour concept in various places of entertainment or culinary tour combined with a panoramic view of nature.

Of course, this unique tour concept can encourage you to learn more about the variety of attractions in Bandung on offer. Now it's time to invite you to explore the variety of the uniqueness, read the full review of the recommendations of the attractions in Bandung must-see here.


Stone Garden Bandung

Not many people know the beauty that is presented by the scenery on a hill Stone Garden. Especially when tourists visit in the studded rocks this morning as the sun comes up or at dusk as the Sun sank.

The views presented in the Bandung tourist attractions this one looks phenomenal invite decak AWE visitors, after exploring the rocks that are naturally a former Lake in ancient times. Certainly not denied when it is said that the Rock Garden is located on a plateau on top of the Hill is no less beautiful than the existing tourist attractions abroad.

After a bit of tracking past the rocks uphill, you can flat pasture and saw the place rocks upright with a formation that is so artistic. The beauty of the scenery of the expanse between the population and the farmland as far as the eye can see off the ceiling is not inferior when compared with the Grand Canyon in America that it's viral.


Who had never heard of white Crater name has long been synonymous with Bandung tour? The crater is located precisely in the White peak of Mount Patuha, Ciwidey, Bandung District South and has a temperature between 8 – 22 degrees Celsius.

To reach the tourist attractions in Bandung this one, You have to pass the old tea plantation called Gambung. As one of the oldest tea plantation in Indonesia, the atmosphere is really different from the other tea plantations such as those in the peak or Valley.

The beauty of the spectacular views and the other from the other. This crater lake water colors can vary. When weather is blistering, sometimes greenish blue.

Sometimes the colour changed to colored milk chocolate and white more often when the air was filled with thick fog. Sand and rocks in the area of the Lake is also white, which is why it is called Crater Lake Crater is white.


De Ranch is a tourist spot in Bandung offers the charm of riding cowboy style, so that it becomes the favorite tourist spots the kids in Bandung. Its location is located on the highway Maribaya which has a fresh, cool air and it is surrounded by green trees.

Visitors who want to horse riding cowboy style costumes will be awarded in the form of a hat and vest. Then they will be on horseback surrounded the location De Ranch while accompanied by a guide horse that has been experienced.

Currently there are many different types of entertainment in De Ranch, among others, a horse, archery, boating, outdoor fun fishing rods, Gold Hunter, and others. Bandung tourist attractions has managed to become one of the attractions of the right educational for children. Meanwhile, other family members can relax in the restaurant while enjoying a snack and a wide Valley milk especially.


Attractions in Bandung called Farm House since this place was built to resemble a mini farm with beautiful flowers along with the farm his little. No matter its location easily reached because Java is on the road which is the main road to the Valley, not far from the home of sausage.

With the price of admission that are affordable and can be exchanged with the pure milk or grilled sausage, in Bandung tourist attractions tourists can take in the beautiful spot which provided home-like Hobbits. Visitors can be styled as Miss Netherlands and posing in front of the home of the European model.

The restaurant at these sights also look beautiful and model building is not lost. Children can also be very happy to play here while feeding rabbits, goats, birds, chickens, and ducks.


Not only present natural attractions, Bandung has a adrenaline. If you like a bit of extreme activities and adrenaline, do not forget to come to Bandung Trans Studio located at Jalan Gatot Subroto, Bandung. In tourist spots in Bandung, there are five types of rides that really can make your heart feel like they've lost.

There is a Roller Coaster model Trans Studio namely Yamaha Racing Coaster that has a speed of 200 km/h, and a height of 50 meter tall train line. Then there's also the Vertigo i.e. rides a giant windmill, with a height of 20 meters.

Rides Giant Swing as high as 14 meters, it will make your stomach like a whipped with a his swing spin. While the Giant Country Rides will be throwing your body tubs from a height of five-storey building. For those of you that want to test the guts, please sign in to the other-worldly spacecraft presents ghosts-the ghost of the entire city of Bandung. Exciting isn't it?


For those of you who love the beautiful sights and have the feel of natural attractions in South Bandung can be used as a new tourist attractions. Pinisi Resto and Lakeside Glamping is suitable as a fun hangout tourists.

Because the location of the ship-shaped restaurant and campground is located right next to the beautiful Lake Situ Patenggang. The lake itself is located on top of the hills, not far from the plantation Rancabali, Ciwidey. In the near area of Rock of love.

In the past, to go to the area Stone love this, travellers should hire a boat with a high enough price. But this time, this area has been converted into the area of Glamping Lakeside Rancabali. After passing through the entrance, You will cross the road along the 4 km with garden view tea in the street.

Activities that you can do besides eat at Pinisi Resto and enjoy the peacefulness that is presented is a Lakeside camp in Limestone. Don't worry, the camping package including breakfast, lunch, and dinner had been provided by Pinisi Resto so you don't have to bother anymore.


Identical with Strawberry Bandung. So is natural when many tourists in the city of Bandung, want to feel direct picking strawberries from his garden. For tourists who want to tour pick Fruit Strawberries Home, surely the Valley could be the right choice.

Located in the cool Bajuri, Sergeant Home Strawberries offer cafes and inns are equipped with garden strawberries, outbound area, and playground. In addition to the beautiful scenery and fresh air, visitors can also enjoy a meal at an affordable price.

Strawberry House without this admission of course quickly became one of the favorite tourist spots in Bandung. The uniqueness of the restaurant here is the terraced stair steps. Visitors can also choose a seat with the feel of Classic, Oriental, Cowboys, until the sitting of Sunda.

Package price: Strawberries are valid for 4 people and includes a meal of nasi liwet for rims. For guests of the Inn is no exception, they could be picking strawberries without restricted in number. Well, how? You are interested in trying a strawberry picking with my family?


Once again, the streets of Bandung was indeed unique, especially if you want to get around the city of Bandung for free because you could try Bandros or Bandung Tour ride on a Bus. Travelers will be pampered with an open bus ride with cool design and colorful blue, yellow, and red.

But before you take a Bandros to get around the city to feel different sensations, you will need to order it in advance through the application of Whatsapp. Bandros bus operator will reply to your message, the associated timetable information and the number of seats available for booking.

You can also order Your free time in the schedule. After it's settled the Affairs of the reservation, the cost of the ticket can be transferred directly to the given account so you can get an e-ticket. Not to late to come gather in the Park located behind Cibeunying Building satay, since tickets will be forfeited if you miss Bandros.


You want to enjoy the tour interesting and unique, and entertaining? Saung Angklung Udjo could be interesting options. Arts and cultural attractions are located in the streets of Padasuka, not far from the center of Bandung city. As the name implies, the Bandung tourist attractions this is a conservation centre and cultural performances in Bandung.

Visitors come not only local tourists and school children but also many tourists from abroad who came to watch and listen to the sound of melodious music angklung.

As for the live music angklung is held every day and played by protege Saung Angklung Udjo. Though still young, you will be amazed with their incredible skills.

In addition to watching the performances of angklung, you too can feel the thrill of playing the angklung. Every visitor will get an angklung and got the task to play one tone together all visitors simultaneously.

Arumba Angklung is a musical blend of performances that accompany the dances typical of Sunda. In addition to music angklung, you can watch performances of the Wayang Golek lasts 10-15 minutes. This is the Wayang Golek Urang Sunda asli Arts IE si Cepot and Dewala.

The concept of a story that carried cute and folklore is guaranteed to be able to entertain you. In addition, there are also Sundanese Dance like Jaipongan and Helaran, as well as the rituals of Thanksgiving tradition Sundanese culture.


A Begonia garden became a destination hits after a lot of netizen uploaded photos of a flower garden. Tourist attractions located on the street Maribaya, Cibogo, Lembang offers its own sensation while you enjoy the beauty of diverse local and interest from abroad.

In tourist spots in Bandung this anyway you can see the beauty of the flower Bali flowers Balinea very beautiful colors. Other flowers are no less beautiful, of whom there are flowers of Geranium, Celosia, Melampodium Salvia, flowers, and much more. Many visitors take pictures in Bandung tourist attractions this foreign-style, because it is very suitable as a photo spot.

In addition to being able to enjoy interest conservation area, visitors will enjoy the coolness of the air at the same time in Lembang while sitting at the cafe. With a view of the flower landscaping Balinea red lights up, your activities will certainly be even more memorable.

Mangge Mada Kuliner Khas BIMA NTB -

12:55 Add Comment


Halo pecinta travelling dan pemburu kuliner dimanapun Anda berada, pada kesempatan kali ini kami dari team telah berhasil merangkum salah satu masakan khas dari wilayah Indonesia bagian tengah. Kuliner Mangge Mada ini terbilang unik dan khas sekali dengan perpaduan rempah-rempah khas yang diracik dengan cara yang cukup sederhana namun mantap rasanya. Penasaran seperti apa Mangge Mada tersebut ? Mari simak bersama uraian berikut ini.

Kuliner Mangga Made khas Bima ini terbuat dari bahan pokok "jantung pisang", biasanya pisang kepok atau pisang batu yang digunakan dalam pembuatan mangga made ini. Sebenarnya tidak harus jantung pisang kepok atau jantung pisang batu saja, tergantung selera Anda penikmat kuliner. Namun, memang yang dibuat oleh masyarakat Bima kebanyakan dari bahan jantung pisang tersebut.

Mangge Mada Kuliner Khas BIMA, NTB

Keunikan dari kuliner ini tertuang dari penyajian kuahnya yang kental dengan santan dan rasanya yang gurih, sedikit manis, dan tercium harumnya aroma daun jeruk. Cara pembuatannya juga tidak semabarangan, karena kita tahu bersama bahwa jantung pisang itu rasanya pahit dan kesat. Namun, dengan racikan khas masyarakat Bima inilah yang membuat jantung pisang diolah menjadi kuliner yang lezat dan mantap.

Tentunya sahabat travelling yang suka dengan pemburuan kuliner ingin mengetahui bagaimana sih cara membuat mangga made tersebut. Nah, berikut kami juga menyajikan uaraian bahan-bahan dan bagaimana proses pembuatannya :

Bahan-bahan pembuatan mangga made;

  1. Jantung pisang kepok/pisang batu yang sudah cukup matang dan berwarna pekat (disesuaikan dengan selera)
  2. 1 liter air bersih
  3. 1 sendok teh garam (sesuaikan dengan selera)
  4. 5 butir cabai di rajang (iris)
  5. 2 sendok makan koya kelapa yang berminyak
  6. 8 siung bawang merah di rajang (iris)
  7. 1 siung kunyit bersih (sesuaikan dengan selera)
  8. 5 buah belimbing wuluh (belimbing sayur)
  9. 1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk
  10. 300 gram udang yang sudah dikupas (sesuaikan dengan selera)
  11. 100 mili liter santan (sesuaikan dengan selera)
  12. 3 siung bawang putih

Proses pembuatan ;

  1. Siapkan jantung pisang yang sudah diiris dan dibersihkan terlebih dahulu
  2. Siapkan bahan-bahan lainnya yang telah tercatat diatas
  3. Nyalakan kompor dengan api yang sedang
  4. Masukkan air bersih kedalam panci atau wajan
  5. Masukkan jantung pisang tadi beserta bahan-bahan lainnya
  6. Besarkan api secara perlahan
  7. Tunggu masakan hingga tercium aroma wangi dan terlihat kuahnya menjadi cukup kental
  8. Hidangkan mangga made
  9. Siap untuk disantap beserta keluarga tercinta
Bahan-bahan dan cara pembuatan mangge mada yang kami uraikan diatas bisa sahabat traveller tambahkan bahan berdasarkan selera Anda. Namun, apabila ingin lebih terasa khas Bima asli tentunya sahabat harus berkunjung langsung ke Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat. 
Mangge Mada Kuliner Enak Khas BIMA, NTB
Ketika tiba di Bima jangan lupa untuk berkunjung ke lokasi wisata yang keren-keren di Bima. Selain mangge mada, Bima masih menyimpan berbagai masakan khas yang enak dan pastinya akan menggoyang lidah Anda sahabat wisata. 
Supaya yang lain ikut tahu uniknya dan enaknya mangge mada khas Bima ini, yuk kita bagikan bersama informasi ini secara sukarela dan demi melestarikan budaya yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat Indonesia.Tunggu juga update artikel menarik lainnya seputar Travelling / berwisata dari